Work with the Definitive Experts to Help you Start Your Medical Weight Loss Practice, or Scale & Add GLP-1 Weight Loss and Profitable Revenue Streams to Your Current Practice!

With the experts who have helped open more than 200 successful practices

Add Revenue | No Insurance | Practice Medicine on Your Terms

You're tired of administration, insurance and paperwork controlling you.

▶︎ You know what patients NEED - but administration and insurance plans won’t let you offer the best treatment.

▶︎ You’re sick of the administration controlling your time and efforts and crave more time to do what fulfills you, but you feel stuck in your current situation.

▶︎ You are brilliant and passionate! You know you have what it takes to be a successful, but you’re a medical expert - not an entrepreneur and you don’t know where to start - or you’re afraid to waste time and make mistakes.

▶︎ You’ve considered starting your own practice, but lack of time or fear have held you back.

▶︎ All you need is the medical knowledge and the passion, I’ll show you how to set up the business from scratch and teach you how to run it.

Offer the GLP-1 Medical Weight Loss You’ve Wanted & Didn’t Know How To Add

Help Others Achieve their Health & Weight Loss Goals!

While reaching your desired monetary and life goals


Develop Work/Life Balance

Learn how to leverage our providers and pharmacies to add medical weight loss to increase revenue while creating harmony in your personal and professional life


Collaborate for Growth

Get the coaching, support, and accountability you need to ensure you bring this new revenue stream on, master it, and ensure it works for your practice


The Time To Act Is Now.

GLP-1’s are a 200 billion dollar industry and they are not going anywhere.

The demand locally and globally continues to grow. We are on top of the trends and the newest medications yet to enter the market to ensure you benefit from products as they become available.

When these medications first became available, we were helping practitioners build their business without the benefit of ample supply. Today, we have pharmacies in all 50 states + Washington, DC, medical directors to support you, and telehealth providers who will work with you to offer appointments 7 days per week. We can help you build your business with or without you working in the business day to day!

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Schedule an Evaluation. We'll discuss your goals and business development.


Coaching and Strategy. Experience customized step-by-step consulting and accountability coaching.


Be in Control of your Finances and Live a Balanced Life! Enjoy all the freedom and benefits of entrepreneurship no matter what life throws at you.

Hi! I'm Jessica Jones.

I get it. You feel stuck.

You want to follow your passion, but you are making good money, you have a great contract, and it’s hard to turn your back - but you are miserable.

With the constant changes to administration and government regulations, you know that you don’t really have a safety net and you're ready to be your own boss.

You also know you're craving a more balanced lifestyle and want to confidently step into the role you were meant to have.

That's why working with an experienced and skilled practice builder, who is there to support you and hold you accountable every step of the way, will help you reach the level of success you deserve. This is a Done With You opportunity to have a partner without the entanglement of business partnership.

When you Step into practice ownership, enlist the right partner…

I wouldn’t have a business without all of the support and guidance Jessica provides! Clinic Owner, WA

“Jessica Jones is a brilliant, creative, and truly exceptional business leader. She offers clients valuable insights needed to make their business expand and thrive. Jessica Jones is a gifted advisor and consultant who will help your enterprise identify areas where change is needed, plan steps and milestones to achieve that change, and support your pivot to growth. I highly recommend working with Jessica Jones.”

– Kathleen Lusk Brooke, Center for the Study of Success

I have worked with Jessica Jones to help open and develop dozens of medical clinics. She is consistently an integral part of the team - researching locations and competition, highlighting ways to add new revenue streams, develop our offers, helping to recruit staff, create commission plans, track ROI, and more. Anytime there is a roadblock to achieving goals, Jessica is able to help find the problem and come up with a plan to solve it.  What I’ve learned from Jessica is invaluable. She is always and will always be part of my ventures! .”

– Justin Webster, Clinic Owner, Serial Entrepreneur & Author

Build Your Cash Medical Practice

Your company is truly a blessing. You took over points that I could never have thought about. As a person who has never owned or operated a clinic, the paperwork and negotiating would have been far over my head. The pricing of things was shocking, but it was great that you were there to negotiate and guide me. Things moved fast and the vendors were pretty enthusiastic. It was exhausting, but to this day I am very thankful that I have your assistance. I am still learning, but you keep the ball rolling. - Jocelyn Ross, Clinic Owner, IL

I wish I had met you six months ago…I would have saved myself from throwing away $30k in advertising that didn’t work….” – Ben, Clinic Owner, NJ

About Us

Moving from a secure contract to entrepreneurship and then working to scale your practice can induce fear in even the most self-assured medical professional. But don’t let that false sense of safety stop you from taking the leap.

The truth is, you have the power to pivot to your true calling – becoming a top-earning practitioner who is truly helping patients without being controlled by insurance. You can overcome what's preventing you from reaching your dreams. But you can’t do it alone. All of those years of hard work to hone your medical expertise and the high price of your student loans didn’t include business classes!

As a business coach who has owned my own medical clinics and who has been been brought in to help doctor’s grow their own cash medical practices, my mission as a business consultant and accountability coach is to help you choose the practice area that you can be passionate about and to position you and your business for purpose and profit.

When you take the leap to follow your passion, you’ll not only gain the control you need, but you’ll also be poised to lead the balanced life you desire.